Thursday, September 1, 2011

Haunted House QR Codes

QR Codes and sms texting discounts

QR Codes have been around since 1994, originally used for tracking parts in the automotive industry, Quick Response Codes were slow to make their way into the consumer market. It wasn't until the widespread use of smart phones that the codes began showing up in public.

Haunted House QR codes on wrapped vehicle graphics

We first started using Quick Response Codes for promotional tracking in 2009, a very basic code that directed users to our website Our plan was to place the code on print advertisement and business cards. Almost immediately we met with resistance, printers had not seen them before, they could not guaranty the codes would scan in their ads. Bottom line - people fear the unknown. On top of that very few smart phone users at the time were familiar with the codes and were reluctant to download the needed app. Read More

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